Stir. Tape. Dip. Brush. Roll. Brush. Drip. Groan. Blot. Wipe. Repeat. Endlessly.
Why haven't I been blogging for a while? See the above. That's what I've been doing. If you've been reading my blog, you know that we are getting ready to move to my in-law's house next door. We've been painting our old house and our new house. Wanna see? No? Too bad. It's all I have to write about write now, so lookie here...
We started with "the back room" at the old house. Isn't it funny how we name rooms? At the White House they have the Red Room and the Lincoln Bedroom. I think we'll have to be more inventive at the new house. I'll have to think about that. So, the back room is now White Raisin. That's the color, we don't actually call it the White Raisin Room. That doesn't even have a good ring to it.
My father-in-law is rolling away to help.
Then comes the girl's new room in the old house, which used to be our room in the old house. It's Interactive Cream with Steamed Milk trim. Maybe we should call it the Dairy Room or even the Moo Room. Bekah helped paint this one. Fortunately, we didn't have to do trim, just walls. Everyone loves the serenity of this room when they see it. We plan to repeat the combo in the new house-- maybe in the hallway and maybe the den or whatever we end up calling that room and maybe in the main bathroom and laundry room. I really like this restful, neutral palette.

Then, this is my own age-spotted hand painting the trim in David's new room in the old house, aka the Man Cave, aka the guest room, aka formerly the girl's room. I dumped together two shades of blue to cover the violent turquoise. Katie mourned the passing of the violent turquoise. She loved it so. David mourns the passing of his original room into our hands after he moved away. He still calls this room the girl's room even though it hasn't been for two years. Anyway, I did this project myself in little pieces and it took me about three long, ridiculous weeks.
Then Bekah & I painted David's old 1950s bed to go with her new room in the new house...
... and many sets of shelves for use in the new house. The paint color is a beautiful soft green shade called Hazel. I love the color, but I don't agree with the name. It should be something like Seaglass or Springtime or Cool Trickling Green Water. Okay, maybe I shouldn't quit my day job (painting) to name colors.
Wayne gets into the act next, working on painting the Big Room, aka the Living Room, aka the Family Room at the new house. It is also White Raisin. The back room at the old house was simply a trial run to see if we liked the color. We did and we do!
I don't have many pictures of me working on all these projects, because I'm usually the one taking pictures. I've been wearing the same clothes for every project, so I should probably frame my painting pants as a memento, since they are liberally splashed with every color we've used.
Here's my good friend, April, wielding a brush in the new girls' room in the new house. Yes, we painted over a brick fireplace. This is the primer. They don't name the variety of white in primer. I'll call this Snow Blindness. We primed the walls and ceilings in three rooms that weekend.
See, that's my same outfit, only covered with a sweatshirt this time (there was no heat in there).
Then there was the top coat on ceilings and walls. Ceiling White on the ceiling. Paper Lantern on the walls. Isn't that a weird paint color name too? It sounds like it should be white or off-white. It is actually a lovely pale yellow that April says should just be called Butter. Yep, she came back to help paint again-- a glutton for punishment, but oh so appreciated.
Hazel as aforementioned, adorns the bathroom walls.
And also hazel on the bedroom trim. Notice the lights and floors and heaters in there now?! Maybe by next week I'll be able to give you step-by-step before and after pictures of this basement transformation. So, yesterday we painted trim and doors after filling a couple of hundred nail holes. And Wayne also painted the cement floor of the Exercise/Storage room, but I forgot to take pictures of that.
This is all to explain why I haven't blogged, haven't written thank you notes, haven't returned phone calls and emails... you get the idea. I'll try to do better. If not, merry Christmas to all! Those colors are easy to name. Holly Berry and Evergreen. There you have it.