I love my family. This will probably not be a deep, spiritual post other than to say that I am thankful to God for my wonderful husband, my kids, my parents & in-laws and my relationship with all of them. Hey, every family has their dysfunction and ours is no exception, but that just means we're human.
This picture is from the "February birthdays" get-together my mom always has. My husband, Dad & father-in-law all have February birthdays. This usually involves pie and this year there was even cake!
Daffodil cake and strawberry pie in February=a welcome touch of spring.
Thanks Mom!
This is Katie and her fiancee. Aren't they cute? We are deep into wedding plans already for the summer of 2013. I'm sure you'll be reading more about that in the future.
This is from a separate party for my father-in-law. The funny thing is that we couldn't find any matches to light the candles, so all his efforts were only for the photo op!
This is my mother-in-law trying out Katie's new iPhone. I just got a kick out of this, so I threw it in.
Now, Wayne's birthday isn't for a couple of days yet, but I cheated and gave him his present early. He's the last one of us who was Kindle-less, so we had to remedy that situation. Aren't our girls precious with their Dad?
We went to Baltimore on President's Day weekend in order to attend a bridal show and do some sightseeing. We found that most museums in Baltimore are closed on Mondays, so that was unfortunate. But we found plenty to do anyway.
We always wanted to take the kids to the Maryland Science Center, so now was the chance as it was one of the few places open (I know, I know, we could have gone to the aquarium, but we've been there, done that). I think we were about 10 years too late for the age of our kids, but we had fun with the hands-on stuff anyway, as well as seeing an IMAX movie of Shackleton's antarctic adventures and a planetarium show about black holes. Yes, we are geeks and we don't mind people knowing that.
Then, we took a lovely walk around the harbor to get to Little Italy. A friend had told us about a marvelous Italian bakery there. Thanks Tesha!
As you can see, Katie is practically giddy with excitement. We do love our desserts.
And there it is.
It is an extremely popular place, but we got a table and settled in to have dinner.
Ahem. I am ashamed to say, this is just my plate. Hey, they are MINI cannolis and cream puffs, thank you very much.
Wayne opted for gelato. (I did share some of mine, and brought a bunch home. I'm not a total glutton).
Katie's giddiness did not subside for some time.
And yes, I think Bekah's eclair was bigger than her face, haha!
The end.
P.S. After the last couple of weeks, Wayne & I decided we need to improve our eating habits. No, seriously? You think so?
... because too many people don't know that they can make their own marshmallows.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
Blue Cat-Eye Glasses
I have a great desire to focus. When I was nine years old, I got my first pair of glasses because I couldn't focus. They were blue cat-eye glasses (hey it was the 1960s and the optometrist said they would look great with my blonde hair and blue eyes.) There's not many pictures of me in them unfortunately, because they'd be pretty funny now.
This is a whole group of cousins from my mother's side of the family. I am the one sporting the yellow shirt, purple pants and green belt. Woohoo! I would say this is around 1970 or 71.
When things are out of focus, you lose details. Things fall through the cracks. They get fuzzy and indistinct. See this? Terrible picture. But you can still tell it's an apple at least.
I don't want to live my life that way. I seek focus. I want to know what's important. Wasting time on trivialities and distractions irks me. Therefore, I just read a book called Focus (believe it or not!) by a guy named Leo Babauta. He's written a bunch of books and has a blog on minimalism, simplicity and that sort of thing. He has six kids, so he's had to really work at finding simplicity. This makes him a little more believable than some authors. He doesn't write from a Christian perspective, but he has some valid points to make.
Some of you know that I have talked about mono-tasking (which is much easier than doing mono-tasking). Babauta writes about it too, only he calls it single-tasking. This is simply doing one thing at a time. Do you know how hard it is to do that? Of course you do! It takes a tremendous amount of focus. Yesterday I sat down at the computer to do some work. Before I knew it, I was chatting with my son, texting my daughter, emailing a friend, answering the phone, and answering the door-- all at the same time! Yesterday I allowed all these other distractions to draw my attention away. I was fairly effective doing all these things, but I was also fairly frazzled when all was said and done. AND I didn't get anything done on the project at hand. Everything I was doing was good and needed to be done sometime, but I wish I had mono-tasked and saved my sanity.
Well, Mr. Babauta's lessons on focus had not taken effect with me yet. According to him, I should have cleared my desk of everything but the ONE THING I was dealing with at the moment. I should have turned off the ringer of my phone and ignored any incoming emails while I was online chatting. Maybe he would forgive me for answering the door, I don't know. All this would have certainly helped my sanity at the time.
Now fast forward to the present. I wanted to spend time with God this morning and I wanted to create a blog. I followed Leo's advice and this is what I did: I cleared my kitchen table of all but the necessities of life for the time: Bible, Kindle (it has devotionals on it), notebook, pen, coffee, grapefruit-scented candle and volume control for my mellow Celtic tunes.
It's a wonderful dreary day outside, very conducive to contemplation.
Now comes the hard part. I TURNED THE RINGER OFF! And put my phone in my pocket. I actually have been having moments of panic about this. What if someone needs to reach me? Ok, I confess. I have actually checked it a couple of times. Some calls and texts came in but nothing that couldn't wait. Maybe with practice I can quit being distracted by the fact that my phone is off.
For now, the scene is set. And it works! I have not yet checked email today because there will certainly be things in there that will distract me. And I am blogging which is something that I want to do and never seem to get around to.
Here's the thing. Focus is difficult. It takes preparation, dedication, determination. It's a fleeting and fragile thing (at least for me, so far).
But God's been trying to talk to me about my priorities, my frantic pace of life, my false guilt, my real guilt and His plan and purposes for my life. If I don't FOCUS and listen, I'm the one who's going to miss out. All my activity is worthless if it's not what God wants me to do.
You can stop reading here, or you can stick with me a while longer, because this is sort of 2 blogs for the price of 1 today.
God's been trying to refocus me on what He wants me to spend my time and efforts on. Here's the work-in-progress that He's been impressing on me:
God calls me to:
--love Him, to develop and maintain my relationship with Him. Reading His word, being quiet, listening, learning, waiting, praying.
--love other people. I'm supposed to take care of my husband, my kids, our parents, my friends, and actually anyone I come in contact with. By "take care of", I mean caring for them in tangible and intangible ways, offering help and encouragement as needed from me as wife, mom, friend, neighbor...
--love myself by eating right, exercising, resting and playing.
--stewardship: fulfilling my responsibilities with regard to our home and finances.
I believe God calls us all to engage in those four areas. His Holy Spirit also gifts us each with the ability to serve Him in ways that are unique to us as individuals. Here's what He has gifted me to do in His service to build up His body-- and activities that bring Him glory if I do them with a dedicated, joyful heart:
--study and teach His word.
--mentor and encourage women.
--do bookkeeping (yeah, seriously. I think the actual spiritual gift is called "administration" but in me it's manifested in using Quickbooks).
--provide a haven of hospitality.
Yep, that's it. If I FOCUS on those areas, I believe God is pleased. Nothing else is more important. Looking at my to-do list through the lens of God's one-of-a-kind plan for me makes even the most mundane tasks take on new importance. When I do laundry it means I am being a good steward of our clothing, and it means that I can show love for my family in a practical way. When I write this blog, I am actively engaging gifts which are to be used to study, teach and encourage. I don't have to feel guilty for taking the time to sit here and ramble on about my thoughts. I just need to pray that God uses these words to encourage or teach someone something.
Thanks, God, for helping me focus this morning! Please continue to show me how and when to remove distractions and to move forward into your perfect plan for me.
But after a year or two, things got out of focus again and I needed a new pair. Can you find me in this picture with my hip brown frames?
This is a whole group of cousins from my mother's side of the family. I am the one sporting the yellow shirt, purple pants and green belt. Woohoo! I would say this is around 1970 or 71.
When things are out of focus, you lose details. Things fall through the cracks. They get fuzzy and indistinct. See this? Terrible picture. But you can still tell it's an apple at least.
I don't want to live my life that way. I seek focus. I want to know what's important. Wasting time on trivialities and distractions irks me. Therefore, I just read a book called Focus (believe it or not!) by a guy named Leo Babauta. He's written a bunch of books and has a blog on minimalism, simplicity and that sort of thing. He has six kids, so he's had to really work at finding simplicity. This makes him a little more believable than some authors. He doesn't write from a Christian perspective, but he has some valid points to make.
Some of you know that I have talked about mono-tasking (which is much easier than doing mono-tasking). Babauta writes about it too, only he calls it single-tasking. This is simply doing one thing at a time. Do you know how hard it is to do that? Of course you do! It takes a tremendous amount of focus. Yesterday I sat down at the computer to do some work. Before I knew it, I was chatting with my son, texting my daughter, emailing a friend, answering the phone, and answering the door-- all at the same time! Yesterday I allowed all these other distractions to draw my attention away. I was fairly effective doing all these things, but I was also fairly frazzled when all was said and done. AND I didn't get anything done on the project at hand. Everything I was doing was good and needed to be done sometime, but I wish I had mono-tasked and saved my sanity.
Well, Mr. Babauta's lessons on focus had not taken effect with me yet. According to him, I should have cleared my desk of everything but the ONE THING I was dealing with at the moment. I should have turned off the ringer of my phone and ignored any incoming emails while I was online chatting. Maybe he would forgive me for answering the door, I don't know. All this would have certainly helped my sanity at the time.
Now fast forward to the present. I wanted to spend time with God this morning and I wanted to create a blog. I followed Leo's advice and this is what I did: I cleared my kitchen table of all but the necessities of life for the time: Bible, Kindle (it has devotionals on it), notebook, pen, coffee, grapefruit-scented candle and volume control for my mellow Celtic tunes.
It's a wonderful dreary day outside, very conducive to contemplation.
Now comes the hard part. I TURNED THE RINGER OFF! And put my phone in my pocket. I actually have been having moments of panic about this. What if someone needs to reach me? Ok, I confess. I have actually checked it a couple of times. Some calls and texts came in but nothing that couldn't wait. Maybe with practice I can quit being distracted by the fact that my phone is off.
For now, the scene is set. And it works! I have not yet checked email today because there will certainly be things in there that will distract me. And I am blogging which is something that I want to do and never seem to get around to.
Here's the thing. Focus is difficult. It takes preparation, dedication, determination. It's a fleeting and fragile thing (at least for me, so far).
But God's been trying to talk to me about my priorities, my frantic pace of life, my false guilt, my real guilt and His plan and purposes for my life. If I don't FOCUS and listen, I'm the one who's going to miss out. All my activity is worthless if it's not what God wants me to do.
You can stop reading here, or you can stick with me a while longer, because this is sort of 2 blogs for the price of 1 today.
God's been trying to refocus me on what He wants me to spend my time and efforts on. Here's the work-in-progress that He's been impressing on me:
God calls me to:
--love Him, to develop and maintain my relationship with Him. Reading His word, being quiet, listening, learning, waiting, praying.
--love other people. I'm supposed to take care of my husband, my kids, our parents, my friends, and actually anyone I come in contact with. By "take care of", I mean caring for them in tangible and intangible ways, offering help and encouragement as needed from me as wife, mom, friend, neighbor...
--love myself by eating right, exercising, resting and playing.
--stewardship: fulfilling my responsibilities with regard to our home and finances.
I believe God calls us all to engage in those four areas. His Holy Spirit also gifts us each with the ability to serve Him in ways that are unique to us as individuals. Here's what He has gifted me to do in His service to build up His body-- and activities that bring Him glory if I do them with a dedicated, joyful heart:
--study and teach His word.
--mentor and encourage women.
--do bookkeeping (yeah, seriously. I think the actual spiritual gift is called "administration" but in me it's manifested in using Quickbooks).
--provide a haven of hospitality.
Yep, that's it. If I FOCUS on those areas, I believe God is pleased. Nothing else is more important. Looking at my to-do list through the lens of God's one-of-a-kind plan for me makes even the most mundane tasks take on new importance. When I do laundry it means I am being a good steward of our clothing, and it means that I can show love for my family in a practical way. When I write this blog, I am actively engaging gifts which are to be used to study, teach and encourage. I don't have to feel guilty for taking the time to sit here and ramble on about my thoughts. I just need to pray that God uses these words to encourage or teach someone something.
Thanks, God, for helping me focus this morning! Please continue to show me how and when to remove distractions and to move forward into your perfect plan for me.
Ok, I'm ready to "turn on" the distractions now-- one-at-a-time of course!
Monday, February 6, 2012
Do I have an interest in Pinterest?
Laptop, cellphone, text messages, email, skype, facebook, blog, pinterest. Pinterest is the new one I've just added to my mix, and I'm still not sure about this one. Facebook is already a love/hate relationship for me. It's fun being able to catch up with and stay in touch with a bunch of people. However, it also allows a rather intrusive look into way too many things about too many people. I hate to say this, but I don't really care that much about 90% of the things I see on my newsfeed. But, for that 10%, I stay on.
Now Pinterest is the latest thing. I recently discovered this phenomenon. People make "boards" to which they can "pin" anything that catches their eye online. Things they may want to refer to again and apparently things they want the world to know that they are interested (pinterested?) in.
The fact that I'm a blogger indicates that I have things I want to tell a bunch of people. But how many things need to be told to how many people in how many ways? Last week I found a great way to combat soap scum. I really should share this with the rest of the world. Shall I blog about it? Facebook it? Pin it? The possibilities seem endless.
Future Blogger, reluctant Facebooker, confused Pinner. |
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