Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Teux Deux... all done

I'm afraid this is starting out to be a blog about nothing.  We'll see what happens.  I've had a blogging dry spell. I have a couple of drafts that I've started and discarded out of busyness or inability to bring something together.  Writing is like that though.  If you have a dry spell, you just have to start writing something and ideas will come.

You want to know what I've been doing lately?  Wayne was in Africa for two weeks.  He had an awesome trip by the way... lots of work, but two excellent pastors conferences with a total of about 600 pastors attending!  Each pastor got a set of Bibles and reference books to use in their ministries.  Imagine the impact on so many African congregations!  But, I wasn't in Africa.  I was home with my humongous to-do list.  (or Teux Deux list as per my current online list-keeper at

 This is Bekah's prom dress.  It would fit her perfectly if she were size nothing and six feet tall.  She is size nothing, but she's not six feet tall.  I am too cheap to pay someone to hem it.  So, I decide to take the fate of this dress into my own hands.  See that ruffle sloping down the front?  The chiffon hem around the bottom?  Well, it also has not one, but two layer of lining fabric underneath.

This is my desk in its usual shape.  I am a neat and organized person.  Except when it comes to my desk.  And it's been worse since we moved.  I don't have a system down yet.  You see, this antique desk was made before the invention of file folders and file drawers.  Pigeon holes just don't cut it.

These plants all need to come out of their pots and somehow get in the ground.

There are five sets of blinds here.  They need to be hung up because when it gets warm our house turns into a giant oven.  We need to control some solar energy.

And I can't remember what else was on my to do list.  But these are some of what I wanted to get done while Wayne was in Africa.  Apparently I like to set unrealistic deadlines for myself.  I also needed to go out to lunch and/or dinner with various people, shop for a wedding gown, watch the 5-hour version of Jane Eyre and watch various Doris Day movies.  Priorities, you know!

But with a little help, a lot got done!  Here are some results:

More nurseries visited (yeah, six to be exact).  Plants planted.

Thanks to my daughters for "digging in" when I grew weary.

5 blinds are hung, thanks to Katie's help and an electric drill.

The dress is hemmed!  I decided to do it by hand rather than try to get my 30-year-old sewing machine to work on chiffon.  I'm not going to show the girl in the dress, because it's not prom day yet.

A wedding dress was bought (not the prom daughter, the engaged daughter).  It wasn't this one.  You think I'm going to post those pictures??  I think not.

My work is done.  I'm just kidding.  The desk improved for a day, then reverted back to its usual state.  And of course the teux deux list keeps expanding.  But... for now I am satisfied.

And here's how Wayne was spending his time while I was doing all this:

 Now that's some awesome kind of work!!!

1 comment:

  1. You did a super amazing fantastic job on the prom dress!!! You're superwoman!
