Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Prayerwalks, coffee & hanging up clothes

Washline & "coffee table"
Yesterday was my first of (hopefully) a trend of early-morning prayerwalks. What is a prayerwalk, you ask? Well, I started reading a book called PrayerWalk by Janet Holm McHenry. I’ll be reviewing it on here after I finish it. But even though I’m just halfway through, it inspired to me to give it a try. I set out to walk for an hour, concentrating on praying the whole time. It was great! I was focused on God and His amazing creation and I had plenty of time to talk to Him about lots of stuff. I’ve tried praying on my bicycle, but somehow my mind wanders more then.

Note my fancy clothespin bag which my son brought back from a trip to Ecuador.
Normally, I have my devotions with my second cup of coffee. But yesterday, since my devotions were on the move, I had to have my second cup at the washline. I love to hang clothes outside to dry (except when tourists are walking by and I can feel their eyes on me. I refuse to look at them. It’s just weird. I live in a Civil War hospital house and I always feel like they expect me to be wearing a hoop skirt instead of cargo shorts and a T-shirt, but I digress). I even had to bring a “coffee table” over to the washline, but it worked! Now if someone could tell me how to keep my coffee filter from caving in and spilling grounds down into my coffee pot, I’d appreciate it.
By the way, this morning was my second prayerwalk, and I had more trouble staying focused. I knew this is bound to happen, but I refuse to give up so easily.  One thing-- it sure is easy to praise God when you’re outside in nature—especially for the first Queen Anne’s Lace of the season.

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Book Review: Perfecting Kate by Tamara Leigh

 Kate, the main character of this book, would be a fun friend to have.  She is a Christian who tries hard but just doesn’t have it all together.  If we were meeting for lunch, she’d tell me about her crazy work schedule and how she barely has time to eat, much less exercise or read her Bible.  I’d raise my eyebrows when she tells me about how her boyfriend, Michael, keeps wanting her to have cosmetic surgery.  I’d tell her to be careful after she talks about Clive, the doctor who hired her to paint a mural in his hospital.  She definitely would moan to me about her roommate, Maia, who is an unbeliever who constantly tries her patience with her snide remarks and boyfriend-stealing ways. 

This is a fun read with lots of humor and romance which will keep you turning pages late into the night to see how it’s all going to work out.  Some of my favorite parts were Kate’s journal entries because of the fresh and honest way she talks to God.  I highly recommend this book.  I found it at my local library and I’ll be looking for more books by Tamara Leigh.