Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Murky Morning

I am a word person.  I like them.  I've been mocked for "reading" dictionaries and encyclopedias.  And my family may mock, but the kids had fun with "Encyclopedia Trivia" after dinner when they were kids.  Either me or my husband would sit with an encyclopedia volume from our 1973 set of World Book and flip through it, directing random questions to each person around the table.  Here's how it works...

David, what is the name of the places where coins are manufactured?
Katie, what kind of galaxy is the Milky Way?
Bekah, is gravity stronger on the moon or on earth?
Lisa, if you saw a milk snake, would you make someone kill it?
Wayne, what's the first name of the guy who invented the Morse code?

Can you tell what volume I am using?  I hope so!  And by the way, the answers to the questions are:
a mint, a spiral galaxy, the earth, yes, and Samuel.

What does this all have to do with anything?  It was MURKY this morning outside when I went out to walk.  The second definition of murky from is
"obscure or thick with mist, haze, etc., as the air."  I took a bunch of pictures on another murky morning recently and have been waiting for a recurrence so I could blog about it on an appropriate day.  I just love how you can see everything in layers, and just how soft the morning feels.  And if a mourning dove sings you can hear one here, that's just icing on the cake.  Here's my murky morning pictures:


This morning, before I left for my murky walk, I read that Jesus is the light of the world.  Just remember that if your world seems murky (dark, gloomy, confused), hand it over to Jesus and wait for the Light to burn away the haze.  Sometimes it takes a while.  But He has the answers.  And sometimes we need to just live with seeing the near things while the big picture is out of focus for a while.  Clarity will come when you need it.  "I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."  --John 8:12

Have fun playing Encyclopedia Trivia and enjoy your day whether it's murky or crystal clear!


  1. Wow- I think you might have missed your calling---- you should be a photographer, little lady!
    Great devotional too... have you ever thought about publishing?

  2. pictures are pretty even through the murk, haze or humidity. I like the way your posts are so free and easy.
