Ugh! He's dragging behind me with his tongue hanging out. |
Fifth day prayerwalking update: I love this! Even though I get distracted by my own thoughts and my dog (who pooped out early today and had to be taken home), all-in-all it’s been great to have a whole hour devoted to connecting with my Savior and Friend. Jesus walked so much while He was here on earth, that it just seems like a very natural way to stay in touch with Him now.
Water is necessary to the prayerwalker & her companion. |
This morning, before I set out, I was reading in John 7 where people in Jerusalem were questioning who Jesus really was. Listen to verses 37-39-- “Jesus stood and said in a loud voice (He wanted to make sure they heard what He said!), ‘Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them. By this He meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were later to receive.”
"Willoughby Run" |
So then I looked up other references to God being living water in my handy-dandy TNIV Reference Bible and took note of a bunch of things:
1. the living water refers to the Holy Spirit
2. drinking it results in eternal life
3. living water refreshes us in an ongoing way; we’ll never be thirsty again
4. no imitations will work
5. it’s free
6. it satisfies
7. we drink it, and in turn it overflows from us
"Marsh Creek" |
Of course, then, as I prayerwalked I took note of all the water and dry places I passed. We need rain. Things are getting brown and shrivelly around here. But around the creek banks, all kinds of green stuff are flourishing. We will flourish too if we drink the living water and “bathe” in it daily! One of my all-time favorite verses is Jeremiah 17:7-8-- “But blessed are those who trust in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Is this great stuff or what?!! I want to be a tree planted by that living water, just constantly soaking in the presence of God! I hope & pray that everyone who reads this blog will have that same desire. And that no matter how much we falter, we’ll keep coming back to our God who loves us like crazy.
"The Hose" soon to be put to good use on my flowers. |
Girl you are out blogging me to the max!! Just wait till I retire, I'll catch up. Am loving and looking forward to your blogs, as much or even more that PW. That's because I know you better. I need a boost in my prayer life now, thanks for the inspiration