Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Thinking Leads to...

Way back in the beginning of this month, a bunch of friends and I went to see Joyce Meyer at the Hershey Giant Center (thanks Wayne!).  Because we’ve had a wedding and Big Life Decisions in our family (more in another blog-- don't worry, everything's fine), it has taken me a while to go back to my notes and think things through.  So, here are Things I Learned from Joyce Meyer in August 2011…
Before you pray anything else, make sure you have no unforgiveness or offense in your heart; no anger toward anyone.  If you’re still complaining about someone, that means you still have anger or offense about them and you haven’t forgiven them yet!  Can you truthfully pray something like this?  “Father, I’m not mad at anybody and have no unforgiveness in my heart; or if I do, please show it to me.”  These are not direct quotes, just the gist of what she was saying. (I had to look up gist.  I thought it was jist, or gyst…)  The italicized ideas above had quite an impact on me.  You see, I am a big criticizer/complainer.  I don’t normally think about it in terms of unforgiveness though.  But she’s right!  If I go on and on about what “she” said ... and what “he” did… and “how dare they!”… then, yep!  Apparently I am offended and harboring something against another person!  Ugh.  Another ugly thing to bring to God and ask Him to work on in my life.  Thankfully, God likes it when I figure out stuff like this and ask Him to fix it.
I like pictures in a blog, so here's some of my friends who have heard me in the midst of the complaining/unforgiving/offended-type of venting.  Everyone needs some friends they can be honest with... and who will tell you the truth.  Some of them were at Joyce Meyer giving me knowing looks while Joyce preached this part:  thanks for holding my feet to the fire, my friends!
We talk

We eat

We relax

We laugh

We get it.  Whatever it is.

But, I digress...
I need to back up to say that the theme of Joyce's conference was “Power Thoughts.”  She has a new book out by this name.  (I need it to come out on Kindle.  I don't want to accumulate more book-books).
She says that our thoughts lead to words and actions.  I agree.  And that we can learn to control our thoughts  because the Bible says we can.   I agree, although I find it EXTREMELY difficult.  And she says we need to replace wrong thoughts with right ones.  Then she proceeded to give us some great ideas on what those right thoughts are.  Here’s the list:
1. I can do whatever I need to do in life through Christ
2. God loves me unconditionally
3. I will not live in fear
4. I am difficult to offend
5. I love people and enjoy helping them
6. I trust God completely, there's no need for me to worry
7. I am content and emotionally stable
8. God meets all of my needs abundantly
9. I pursue peace with God, myself and others
10. I live in the present and I enjoy each moment
11. I am a disciplined and self-controlled person
Now, before you get all bent out of shape saying— “here’s another one of those power-of-positive-thinking-hokey-preachers” (I admit to having such thoughts about Joyce myself from time to time), what she says is true and has a SOLID SCRIPTURAL BASIS.
But, this is getting too long for a blog.  And I need to go find some pictures to somehow relate to all of this.  (I found them and stuck them in up above here!  Aren't you glad to meet some of my friends?)   So, I’m going to leave you in suspense and come back to these 12 things another time.  I want to delve into that scriptural background myself, so I’ll share it with you when I do.  For right now, I’ve gotta go.  Bekah will be home soon from our family’s last first-day-of-school ever.  I need to be ready to hear all about it.  Talk to you later!

The morning of our last first day.  She's a senior!

Isn't she cute?  She didn't even try to coordinate her outfit with her after-school snack.  This is the end of the last first day.

 Does Ninja look offended to you?  You need to forgive, buddy!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Lisa- GREAT insights. I am feeling soooo convicted. Thanks for sharing.
