Monday, February 6, 2012

Do I have an interest in Pinterest?

Laptop, cellphone, text messages, email, skype, facebook, blog, pinterest.  Pinterest is the new one I've just added to my mix, and I'm still not sure about this one. Facebook is already a love/hate relationship for me.  It's fun being able to catch up with and stay in touch with a bunch of people.  However, it also allows a rather intrusive look into way too many things about too many people.  I hate to say this, but I don't really care that much about 90% of the things I see on my newsfeed.  But, for that 10%, I stay on.

Now Pinterest is the latest thing.  I recently discovered this phenomenon.  People make "boards" to which they can "pin" anything that catches their eye online.  Things they may want to refer to again and apparently things they want the world to know that they are interested (pinterested?) in.

Future Blogger, reluctant Facebooker, confused Pinner.
The fact that I'm a blogger indicates that I have things I want to tell a bunch of people.  But how many things need to be told to how many people in how many ways?  Last week I found a great way to combat soap scum.  I really should share this with the rest of the world.  Shall I blog about it?  Facebook it?  Pin it?  The possibilities seem endless. 


  1. Well danggone it - you just named 7 ways you can connect with me (although you missed the most important one - getting together in and yet not in one of them did you share how to combat the soap scum. Do not leave me hanging on such an important announcement. ; )

    1. Oh yeah, the soap scum thing is quite important. You'll have to look at my Pinterest board thingie.

  2. p.s. I forgot to say I LOVE the face in that picture. I should have just texted you that part as long as it takes to post a comment.... lol

  3. gotta admit, I am a big fan of face to face. Can't wait to see your face again. Cute post though
